Mojo is a doe we sold as a kid and her owner (local in FL) wants to take a break from goats for a year. She offered to lease her back to us on an extended lease, and I took it! Mojo is out of GCH Mardi Gras (ELITE) and Rustic Woods JG Timeless. She is a beautiful angular doe with perfect teat placement! We are excited to have her back as long as she can stay. We took her out to her first show ever and she earned a Junior Reserve Champion!
Boy HOWDY did this goat come on strong! She reminds me so much of her dam Mardi Gras in mammary. She is not a huge doe, but is a little engine that could, so balanced and correct and milky. To top it off the had one of the fanciest litter of kids by Kastdemur's Vampiro! Mojo is just our little engine that could, moderate in size and persistent in milk! She kept on strong and we took her to Alabama where she was 3x Grand champion in one weekend and finished as a first freshener!
